I have a quirky thing I like to do. I like to write spaghetti western music. Maybe it’s because I love the old west probably from watching the 3rd Back To The Future movie as a kid (I think it’s my favourite one). Maybe it’s because I really dig Red Dead Redemption (1 and 2) and their soundtrack and aesthetic. I guess those sorts of scores are always so evocative. You’re immediately transported.
In 2019 I decided to indulge that quirk and try my hand at a spaghetti western track. I was writing it as a media track for people to use but I was also just having some fun and wanted the challenge of writing something in the style.
Since then I’ve written 8 spaghetti western pieces. Out of all the media music I have composed those tracks (2 of them in particular) have been the most popular and profitable. I was surprised as anyone but at the same time it was deeply gratifying and encouraging.
The Takeaway: Indulge your music quirks (if you’re not already). I think when you’re writing and recording music that makes sense for you, no matter how weird, it’s going to be authentic. It’s going to be more enjoyable to listen to and more compelling for audiences. You’ll probably be more satisfied by the process and the end result as a composer too.
One of my favourite spaghetti western compositions: